A sub-Account can be created to manage a hosting account on behalf of the account holder. It can also provide the sub-account holder with important notification emails such as domain expiry and invoice reminders. You can also add a sub-account without giving them access to certain functions.

To setup a sub-account, login to the Client Area here:


On the dashboard, click on the 'Hello!' button to open a dropdown menu and select the 'Contacts/Sub-Accounts' option:

In the 'Choose Contact' panel select the dropdown 'Add New Contact'. Then below you will see a contact form, fill in the relevant information of the sub-account including name, address, phone number and the email to be associated with the account (please note that this cannot be an existing email with another account hosted with us). 

Below the contact form you can also check the options depending on what email notification's you would like the sub-account holder to receive.

NOTE: If you want the sub-account to have access to the Client Area, under 'Activate Account' please ensure that the 'Tick to configure as a sub-account with client area access' checkbox has been selected. This will mean that once the account is saved the email address on the sub-account will receive an invite email so that they can setup login details to the Client Area.

Once you are happy with the account details, simply click save to create the account.