If your website is down, or not functioning as it should, taking a look through the site logs could help you identify what the issue is. Our platform keeps both access and error logs for each site. These are stored by the webserver that has served the request, either Apache or NGINX. Each log file is prefixed with the name of the web server and whether it is an access or error log.
These logs are refreshed each day and kept for 14 days. Any log files beyond this are deleted to save disk space.
The logs are kept in /home/storm/logs/WEBSITENAME. As each website has its own directory.
You can also access the current live logs through our platform.
Please note: your IP address will need to be on the allowed list in order to view the logs. Click here to see how.
From the dashboard, click on the cog icon next to your website to manage the hosting for that website.
On the left hand menu bar you should see the option to click on Analytics & Logs
Once you've clicked on Analytics & Logs you should be able to see 3 Logs, the Apache Error Log, Nginx Error Log and the Nginx Access Log. If you're looking for the PHP error output from your site you will want the Apache Error log.
For quick access to the last 100 lines of the log file, click the icon shown below:
Or you can click the Download link next to the log file to save a copy to your local machine, you can open the resulting file in Notepad but we would recommend Notepad++ (https://notepad-plus-plus.org) for readability.