By default when you add a site to the platform a default FTP user is created for you. You can also create additional users if required which is useful for if you want to give FTP access to a specific folder on your site. 

To create a new FTP user go to the FTPS, SSH & Git page in the Website Dashboard

Then click the Add FTP User button

Fill out the details for your new user and finally click the Create FTP-S User button

For the Directory field, there are a number of options you can use for this. Some examples would be:

  • / - This will give access to the folder above public and it's contents, for example /home/storm/sites/mydomain-com/

  • /public - This will give access to the public folder and it's contents, for example /home/storm/sites/mydomain-com/public/

  • /public/mycustomfolder/ - This will give access to a specific folder in the public folder and it's contents, for example /home/storm/sites/mydomain-com/public/mycustomfolder/